Furnace Suppliers for the Aerospace Industry

Furnace suppliers for the aerospace industry must be intrinsically aware of the stringent specifications of aero and astronautic end-products. Raw materials for aircraft fuselages and interior structures must be suitably hardened through various heat-treating processes to ensure that all components withstand the staunch requirements of inner-atmosphere flight. Strict certifications and compliances are in place across the world to ensure that aerospace materials operate to the best possible standards. Qualified furnace suppliers operate to numerous international standards, including:

  • AS 9100;
  • EN 9100;
  • JISQ 9100.

These categories determine the minimal functionalities of aviation vehicles to minimize danger or risk relating to component malfunction or unsatisfactory performances. These specifications directly inform all levels of aerospace manufacturing, from assemblage to materials sourcing. It is crucial that all levels of the supply chain adhere to best possible practices to support the growing capabilities of aeronautic vehicles within safe parameters.

Thermcraft are dedicated furnace suppliers, with partnerships in multiple industries worldwide. We have provided numerous heaters, furnaces, and services for fabricating and heat-treating components for use in the aerospace industry, including:

  • EXPRESS-LINE Quick-Ship furnaces;
  • Custom furnaces and recirculating ovens;
  • Industrial oven repairs and replacement parts.

Among our most popular heat treatment ovens for the aerospace industry is the TransTemp tube furnace, which draws upon an established crystal-growing methodology to improve quality control processes for heat-treatment of aeronautic components.

Furnace Suppliers

TransTemp Tube Furnace Suppliers

The TransTemp tube furnace is an unconventional heat treatment chamber equipped with a coiled heating element within a series of coaxially-mounted tubes. These constitute two quartz tubes and a single cylinder of Pyrex glass featuring an interior gold mirror. This infrared reflective surface acts as an excellent insulator and provides uniform heat distribution throughout the furnace.

What makes the TransTemp furnace so unique however, is its capacity to become transparent at temperatures of 600°C, enabling manufacturers to observe the heating process with a completely unobstructed view. Thermcraft have supplied TransTemp tube furnaces for the U.S. Air Force and various technological institutions worldwide.

Thermcraft are highly versatile furnace suppliers, in that we always strive to equip our instruments to exact specifications. As such, we have produced TransTemp furnaces with mirrors ranging from 25 mm – 300 mm in diameter, with vacuum furnace capabilities or improved temperature capacities of up to 1000°C.

Thermcraft: Leading Furnace Suppliers

Thermcraft is an established manufacturer of industry-leading heat treatment equipment. We provide a bespoke service, competing with alternative furnace suppliers to ensure that our equipment is of the highest standard for given individual applications.

If you would like to discuss your unique specifications with furnace suppliers capable of providing for any sector and all applications, feel free to contact us.