High Temperature Insulation Materials & Heating Elements for Industrial Furnaces

The components within an industrial furnace are crucial to ensure successful operation. Two of the most important components are heaters and high temperature insulation materials. Thermcraft supplies a range of Fibercraft heating elements and insulation materials, and this blog post will outline both components.

Fibercraft Heating Elements

The heating element within an industrial furnace is possibly the most important component as it needs to provide enough heat for the application. If the heating element fails to do this the sample within the furnace will not undergo successful heat treatment.

Fibercraft heating elements are made using high quality, high purity vacuum formed ceramic fiber with a low sodium inorganic bond. The ceramic fiber used is lightweight, low mass, and has low heat storage. This low heat storage ensures that any energy applied to the resistor will go to the sample undergoing heat treatment instead of the insulation. This allows the required temperature to be reached must faster than if other materials are used.

The heating elements are mounted with helically wound quality iron-chrome-aluminum ribbon elements that permit heat dissipation in three directions. This dissipation helps to transfer more radiant heat energy into the furnace chamber.

The Fibercraft range of heating elements can be produced as flat plate, semi-cylindrical, or cylindrical in a range of sizes, wattages, and voltages.

Fibercraft heating elements offer a range of benefits over alternatives. They are extremely energy efficient with a faster heat-up time and greater temperature uniformity compared to other elements. They have a longer lifespan, and maintenance is kept to a minimum, which helps to reduce operating costs and improve productivity.

High-Temperature Insulation Materials

Insulation is required within industrial furnaces to ensure a uniform heating and that little heat is lost. Thermcraft supply a selection of high temperature insulation materials including; board insulation, fiber blanket insulation, formable insulation, and insulation with and without vestibule.

The fiber blanket insulation available is strong yet lightweight and has low heat storage to ensure there is little heat wasted. These blankets are available with high-temperature ranges from 2300oF – 2800oF.

Formable insulation from Thermcraft is made from high strength ceramic fiber blanket and inorganic bonding agents. This type of insulation is useful for applications that require insulation in unique geometries as it can be molded to fit exact specifications. Formable insulation has low thermal conductivity, low heat storage and it is resistance to thermal shock and corrosion. It can be used in temperatures of up to 2300oF.

Thermcraft supply a large range of heating elements and high-temperature insulation materials for industrial furnaces. In addition to the standard products, we can also build custom insulation packages for exact specifications. If you would like any more information about our heating elements or high-temperature insulation materials, please contact us.