Outlining ISO 10478

ISO stands for the International Organization for Standardization. It provides a unified umbrella organization, comprising standard-setting representatives from around the globe who come together collaboratively to share information and reach a collective consensus.

Having open access to the latest developments in the standardization sphere, ISO has a hand in the whole or part of most chemical element experiments, conducting regular research to keep its regulations relevant and up to date.

Tests such as ISO 10478 are set up to safeguard suppliers of petroleum products with a robust regulatory framework.

ISO 10478 Test Overview

The Internationally trusted ISO 10478 test specifies a method for accurately identifying the aluminum and silicon contents of fuel oils using inductively coupled plasma (ICP) emission and atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS).

Initially, the early test phases include the removal of combustibles through burning and the breaking down of all carbon components through heating. The remaining residue is fused with a fluoride flux and the resulting fusion is submerged in an acid solution. To analyze and measure the proportionate properties of the liquid’s makeup the ASS or ICP tests are conducted.

In short, the IOS 10478 testing procedure allows us, as the supplier and you, as the service user, to be aware of the various components contained in the fuel oils; factors that are fundamental to the smooth, safe functioning of our fire-heated furnaces, for instance.

ISO 10748: Thermcraft’s Commitment to Co-operation

At Thermcraft, we supply a wide range of furnace models designed specifically for precise analytical testing of combustible materials, including petroleum products like fuel oil. With a thorough understanding of ISO 10748 protocols and standards, we can develop custom heat treatment solutions that excel at each step on the multi-stage observations of ISO testing.

Purpose and Practical Application of ISO 10478

Fuel producers and petroleum refineries are subject to intense regulatory scrutiny. This demands a strict attention to quality assurance and control (QA/QC) through continuous and batch-screening of incoming materials. Consistently carrying out high-quality testing, such as ISO 10478, is critical to ensuring ongoing compliance with relevant legislature and maintaining a high-quality product supply.

Testing to Give a Quality Guarantee

Thermcraft’s philosophy is simple. We try to see the big picture and expertly engineer all of our furnaces for years to come. Because of this, we don’t take short cuts with our planning and production process. This includes the performance of the latest tests, techniques and technology that will keep our furnaces firing long after the flames of our competitors have gone out. Contact us for more information.